
Below you will find a list of our current products. If you’d like to see something else, you can contact us with your request and we will consider it.

Pre-Tax vs. Roth 401(k) Calculator

Your retirement plan (or personal IRA) probably offers you both pre-tax and after-tax (Roth) contribution options. This tool helps you compare the results of both strategies both during your working years and throughout retirement. Includes calculations of Social Security benefits, Required Minimum Distributions, and year-by-year tax calculations to help you make an informed decision.

Tax Withholding Estimator

As a retiree working several part-time jobs for entertainment, Gary noticed that getting tax withholding right on paychecks was complicated. This calculator allows you to factor in multiple jobs and income sources to help you determine the amount of taxes you should be withholding from your paycheck to avoid a huge surprise come April.